The Edward Petherbridge saga, by a fan.
This site is my little contribution to the Edward Petherbridge fandom. It's an unofficial chronicle of Edward Petherbridge's career, depicted through extracts and links to interviews/reviews, descriptions of the characters he played, photographs and screenshots. Almost everything is from external sources, and therefore attributed. The 1% that isn't attributed is mine, such as some of the text and screenshots.
My main sources of information are the biography and stage chronology collated by Kathleen Riley on EP's official website Peth's Staging Post,, IMDB and BFI. The rest of the content is from the Net, books, and DVDs.
This isn't research, but I've still tried to confirm facts from multiple sources wherever available. I'm as fallible as the next person, so if you see any errors, please let me know and I'll put them right.
Disclaimer: This is not an official website. Edward Petherbridge does not own it, nor is he responsible for its contents.