Year: 2009
Movie / TV: Die Päpstin
Director: Sönke Wortmann
Others in the Cast: Johanna Wokalek, David Wenham, John Goodman, Iain Glen, Anatole Taubman, Lotte Flack, Johanna von Ingelheim, Tigerlily Hutchinson, Jördis Triebel, Oliver Cotton, Nicholas Woodeson, Suzanne Bertish, Richard van Weyden, Branko Tomovic, Lenn Kudrjawizki
Plot summary:
The movie is based on the story of a legendary female pontiff who supposedly reigned, as Pope John VIII, for about 25 months from 855 to 858. The tale held that she was an Englishwoman who fell in love with a Benedictine monk, disguised herself as a man, and joined his order. After acquiring great learning she moved to Rome, where she became cardinal and then pope. In the earliest version of the story, she was pregnant at the time of her election and gave birth during the procession to the Lateran, whereupon she was dragged out of Rome and stoned to death. – from Encyclopedia Britannia
Peth’s role: Aesculapius, Joan's mentor
Very few reviews in English available on the Net, since the movie wasn't aired in many English-speaking countries. The following review is from a blog:
Joan is wonderfully portrayed by three great actresses. Johanna Wokalek (adult Joan) is supreme, but I just loved the performance of the adolescent actress Lotte Flack. I could basically feel her hurt. A father who didn’t think her worth educating if his life depended on it and who even put a whip to her back because she learned to read in spite of his order not to.
Official website:
IMDB page:
Related links:
Peth at the premiere with Iain Glen and Johanna Wokalek.