Year: 1964
Title of the play: The Dutch Courtesan
Author: John Marston
Director: William Gaskill and Piers Haggard
Others in the Cast:
Company/Event: National Theatre Company
Theatre and location: Old Vic, London
Other productions of the same play:
Plot summary: The play tells the story of two friends, the relaxed, pleasure-loving Freevill and the repressed Puritan Malheureux, and the turbulent relationship that both have with the passionate Dutch courtesan Franceschina. It explores the nature of human desire and the problems involved with trying to lead a "good," moral life when sexuality is so fundamentally a part of man's nature. Critics have judged the play both anti-Puritan and anti-Stoic, and have also seen it as a satire on Thomas Dekker's contemporary play The Honest Whore.- Wikipedia
Peth’s role: Page; Servant
Production details:
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