Year: 1960
Title of the play: The Long and the Short and the Tall
Author: Willis Hall
Director: Anthony Richardson
Others in the Cast: Frank Middlemass, William Young, Anton Rodgers, Donald MacKechnie, Michael Robbins, Lisle Jones, Sammy Wong
Company/Event: The Queen’s Players
Theatre and location: Queen’s Theatre, Hornchurch
Other productions of the same play:
Plot summary: A patrol of very dissimilar people, stationed in the Burmese Peninsula, encounter an ethical situation, upon the capture of a lone Japanese soldier who later becomes a prisoner of war. The play explores war-related issues about the treatment of Prisoners of War, and the justification of killing a man just because he has been labelled an 'enemy'.
Peth’s role: Pvt T.E "Taff" Evans, a polite, pleasant, calm and easy going Welshman who is killed by a sniper.
Production details: Here
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