Jane Lapotaire on Peth

April 7, 2010
When asked about her favourite costars: "Edward Petherbridge, because he's hysterical. I've never laughed so much as when I've worked with him. He's extremely wicked! " 20 Questions With Jane Lapotaire in What's On Stage

Peth on the Globe Theatre

March 27, 2010

Rylance is the wrong man for the Globe. The space is too restrictive. It's no more than a theme park. Wrong, wrong, wrong, says the actor Edward Petherbridge 

After the long slow years during which it was widely held to be the superfluous vision of a Shakespearian crank, Sam Wanamaker's Globe is accelerating towards magnificent completion. The audience galleries are thrillingly complete. Remarkably, there is not the faintest whiff of ye olde heritage reproduction site - simply the excitement g...

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The actor Edward Petherbridge enjoys a freestyle rap gig courtesy of his son Arthur, and in return introduces him to Mozart and Strauss

March 26, 2010
One of the performers created a rap about seeing his sister's baby on an ultrasound scan, and how he saw the child in the womb rubbing its eyes, and he managed to improvise a whole song about it. You couldn't help but be captivated. For one thing - unusually in the world of rock music - you could actually hear the words - The Guardian

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The Edward Petherbridge Theatreland Walk

March 23, 2010
Fans might have read about Peth's Theatreland walks - even some London guide books mention it, I believe. I'm afraid, though, that these walks are a thing of the past.

Read this post about Edward Petherbridge's last guided tour:
Are you ready for a true travelogue from my esteemed city? I almost hate to tell you about the London Walk I went on yesterday, because... it's the last one of its kind. Why do I so often get in on the tail end of something wonderful? Although that's a very typically ...
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